Overnight grain & seed cereal

This is another rebar recipe, and wonderful. There's nothing better than waking up with breakfast already made, except maybe if someone special brings it to you in bed. :)

Keep in mind that you can play with the measurements however you want. I put 1/2 c. of grains and 1 c. of water in for a breakfast for just me. If you use dried fruit you'll need a bit less water, unless you add it on top of the 1/2 c. of grains.

1 c. oat groats
1/2 c. barley groats
1/2 c. rye berries
1/2 c. whole almonds (you may want to leave these out and just add them when you eat it)
1/4 c. sunflower seeds
1/4 c. pumpkin seeds
dried fruit (optional) - I like dried apples the best, but raisins and cranberries would be good

1. Mix the dry ingredients together and store sealed until ready to use.

2. Before going to bed on the night before you want to serve the cereal, scoop 1 c. of the mixture into a small casserole dish with a lid. Mix in 2 c. water and a pinch of salt. Bake overnight, covered, at 200.

3. In the morning, stir up the cereal and serve warm with the toppings of your choice.